The Web Video Snip Project provides a JavaScript API for playing videos embedded on a webpage.
- Can play both YouTube and HTML 5 videos.
- Supports playlists and playing small snippets of videos.
- Allows full control over video playback for custom controls.
- Editable Playlist
- Force a straight-through play of the playlist containing YouTube videos
- Sample player for HTML 5 videos
Usage Guides
- How to embed the playlist in your own webpage
- snip.js - API for the Video Snip library.
- Frequently Asked Questions
Current Version: 1.0.1
You can follow the development progress with an rss
Legal Stuff
There should also be a blurb here about legal stuff. YouTube is trademarked or whatever by Google. The Flash player is owned by YouTube. Flash is a trademark or whatever by Adobe. This javascript and player pages utilizes the public API for the YouTube player.
License? It's in the public domain, dawg.
Contact? Matt Albrecht (